IF IT’S SUNDAY…. “Fox News Sunday” is touting its line-up for tomorrow’s show.

It’s down to the wire as Senate Democrats race to meet a self-imposed deadline on passing a health care reform bill.

We’ll get a sense of the Senate when Chris Wallace sits down for exclusive interviews with Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

I guess it’s time to update the big board.

For those keeping score at home, as of tomorrow, there will have been 50 Sundays since President Obama’s inauguration. This will be John McCain’s 17th appearance on a Sunday morning talk show since then, giving him an average of one appearance every 2.9 weeks in 2009. No other official in the country has been sought out this often.

Since the president took office, McCain has been on “Meet the Press” three times (December 6, July 12, and March 29), “This Week” three times (September 27, August 23, and May 10), CNN’s “State of the Union” three times (October 11, August 2, and February 15), and “Face the Nation” four times (October 25, August 30, April 26, and February 8). His appearance on “Fox News Sunday” tomorrow will be his fourth (December 20, July 2, March 8, and January 25),

And who, exactly, is John McCain? He’s the one who lost last year’s presidential race badly, and is now just another conservative senator in the minority. He’s not in the party leadership; he has no role in any important negotiations on any issue; and he’s offered no significant pieces of legislation. By all appearances, McCain isn’t even especially influential among his own GOP colleagues.

Best of all, tomorrow’s “Fox News Sunday” focus is on health care reform — a subject McCain doesn’t even pretend to know anything about.

There’s just no reason for the media’s obsession with McCain. None. Seventeen Sunday-show appearances in 11 months? It’s farcical.

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Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.