Last time I checked, the aggregator I used most had sixteen separate Chris Christie stories commanding buzz. Truth is, I wrote most of what little I’ve concluded about the Christie Crisis yesterday; until such time as indictments come out and/or it appears Christie’s knew something he’s not admitting, he’s probably weathered the immediate storm, but with his 2016 viability called into extreme question.

If nothing else, what the Fort Lee saga has demonstrated is that the case for Christie ’16 really is a house of cards. There’s an obvious underside to the “refreshing candor” of this pol, and when he gets into trouble, he doesn’t have a lot of people rushing to his aid. Clearly his Republican support is about an inch deep, and totally depends on polling numbers that may now take a hit.

Beyond that, I don’t know whether a year from now we’ll barely remember what “Fort Lee” signifies, or if instead Christie will be out of office and in disgrace. But we’ve learned enough to know he isn’t going to take the Republican Party or the country by storm in 2016.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.