The story is from Maggie Haberman, but the best Tweet is from her Politico colleague Alexander Burns:

The latest member of Rick Perry’s legal team is Steve Schmidt, Sarah Palin’s tormenter. But there’s more:

“We’re bringing in the best of the best to help us handle this … this is serious, we’ve got to handle it with the appropriate measures,” Perry spokesman Jeff Miller said.
Schmidt did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Earlier this week, POLITICO’s Mike Allen reported that Perry had hired former Clinton White House special counsel Mark Fabiani to a team that already included Republican lawyer Ben Ginsberg.

I dunno. Yeah, these guys are paid-up Members of the Bar, but are better known as legally-informed political advisers. It’s likely their real job is to help Perry negotiate the inherently difficult balancing act of mocking the charges against him as a blatant travesty and political witch-hunt, but one that that could nonetheless land him in the hoosegow in leg-irons, the poor man–in the heart of Texas, the state on which he has showered so many fine minimum wage jobs. I suspect we’re about to see a spectacular demonization of godless baby-killing dope-smoking liberal Austin; that will be the key to maintaining Perry’s victim act.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.