INITIALS….At the end of a moderately unconvincing diatribe against the SAT ? I’m pretty sure that all regional and ethnic groups would conclude that “baleful” weather means you should eat indoors ? we learn this:

Asked what the acronym “SAT” stands for, most of us would have selected “Scholastic Aptitude Test” as the correct answer. But in fact, “none of the above” is the right answer choice. According to the College Board, which owns and administrates the exam, SAT officially stands for nothing.

Hmmm. And AARP is just AARP now, KBR no longer stands for Kellogg Brown & Root, and KFC has no relation to tasty, artery-clogging fried chicken.

Is a vogue for allegedly meaningless initials an unstoppable trend? Will Calpundit abandon its roots someday and simply become CP? Stay tuned.

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