MORE HEALTHCARE BLUES….The Washington Post summarizes a survey published in Health Affairs of healthcare around the world:

Nearly a third of U.S. patients reported spending more than $1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for their care, far outpacing all other nations….experienced the most problems getting care after hours….most likely to report problems seeing a doctor the same day they sought one…. more likely to report forgoing needed treatment because of cost….one-third of U.S. patients reported problems with the coordination of their care.

….Americans also reported the greatest number of medical errors. Thirty-four percent reported getting the wrong medication or dose, incorrect test results, a mistake in their treatment or care, or being notified late about abnormal test results.

Best healthcare in the world, baby! Best healthcare in the world.

POSTSCRIPT: In the interest of fairness, it’s worth pointing out that this survey included only people who had recently been hospitalized, had surgery, or reported health problems. In other words, sick people. Healthy people probably thought American healthcare was just fine.

The full report is here. If you hunt through it, you’ll note that there are a few things we do better than other countries. Not many, though.

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