MAKING LEMONADE….Here’s the lead of today’s Washington Post story about George Bush’s recent good fortune:

In a White House that had virtually forgotten what good news looks like, the past few weeks have been refreshing. A Republican won a much-watched special congressional election. President Bush recruited a Wall Street heavy hitter as Treasury secretary. U.S. forces killed the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq. And now the architect of the Bush presidency has avoided criminal charges.

Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. The GOP barely won a congressional election in a district that’s 60% Republican. After a year of looking, the White House finally persuaded someone to become Secretary of the Treasury. They killed a terrorist they could have killed three years ago if they’d wanted to. And Bush’s top aide has “avoided criminal charges.”

Next up: FEMA fails to screw up after Hurricane Alberto is downgraded to a tropical storm. Another triumph for the White House!

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