Another one of those days that starts off slow and then gets crazy. I actually have a couple of topics left I may write about tonight to get an atypically early start tomorrow morning.

Anyway, here are some late or less bloggy items of note from this Wednesday:

* Charles Pierce offers a quick take on the new Pope that is, as you might expect, both insightful and entertaining. Bottom line: Francis is a caretaker.

* Ezra Klein, bless his pointy head, immediately did a post on the new pope’s macroeconomic views.

* Greg Sargent debunks idea that the public is tilting towards GOP position on the sequester.

* At Ten Miles Square, Jonathan Bernstein parses what’s real and what’s “imaginary” in the latest Ryan Budget.

* At College Guide, Peter Orszag discusses new research showing that teacher effectiveness can be adjudged by test scores, at least at the margins.

And in non-political news:

* Tension City: DWTS celebrity Andy Dick suffers weeping “breakdown” early in rehearsals.

Back to end the day is Fuel, performing “Sunburn” in Hershey, PA. The cutaways to the Philly skyline and a band member juggling are annoying, but I’ve always liked the tune.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.