Not much political news today, as expected. But here’s a news roundup, written after I watched my Georgia Bulldogs register a disappointing bowl loss, decided, like so many of their games this season, at the very end.

* Valuable WaPo piece by Somashekhar and Tumulty examines how expansion is changing the clientele for Medicaid.

* Jonathan Cohn collects eight predictions from experts of various hues about the fate of Obamacare in 2014.

* Graham Allison, for some reason, decides to sketch a scenario whereby a 2014 war between China and Japan draws the U.S, into a great power war.

* Ben Smith reports on Bill de Blasio’s “uncompromising” inaugural address as mayor of New York.

* Michael Moore argues for progressive strategy of Medicaid expansion in red states, single-payer in blue states.

And in non-political news:

* Big furor in Bama over couple who named newborn son Krimson Tyde. My wife predicts the birth of a child named Wardamn Eagle very soon.

We’ll be back to normal blogging tomorrow, with perhaps a brief early hiatus due to yet another dental appointment. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your New Year’s Day. To close, here’s some more Lightnin’ Hopkins, performing “Mojo Hand.”

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.