Today Texas voters are headed to the polls for the midterm election’s first big primary. You can read Sean Sullivan’s list of “5 things to watch” tonight; I’d add three House primaries involving Democrat Marc Veasey and Republicans Pete Sessions and Ralph Hall.

Statewide Democratic turnout will be examined as an indicator of how far the Donkey Party has come in its efforts to reconquer the Lone Star State. Democrats are also worried their prestige will take a hit if LaRouchie Kesha Rogers wins or makes a runoff for the U.S. Senate nomination.

But the other candidate they hope their voters will avoid nominating is none other than Kinky Friedman, who after running statewide as an independent for governor in 2010, shifted to the Democratic ag commissioner race in 2014, losing narrowly and vowing it was his last race.

Now Kinky’s back, however, running for the same office and touting his candidacy as a referendum on marijuana legalization, which as you might imagine he favors. Democratic party officials are urging a vote for a “serious” candidate like Kinky’s major rival Hugh Fitzsimmons.

I’m sure they’re exasperated by Kinky’s campaign, but the guy has always been a bit ahead of his time, viz. this early song entitled “We Refuse the Right To Refuse Service To You.”

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.