Last week it was noted here that Team Rand Paul is scheduled to have a big strategy session/Come-to-Jesus meeting on November 12 in DC, informally launching the wiggy Kentuckian’s 2016 presidential bid. Now we learn via Politico‘s Maggie Haberman that the Ready For Hillary Super PAC is having its own post-election/pre-election tribal stomp in New York:

The event, on Nov. 21, has been billed a strategy session at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City to discuss the next steps as the group and Clinton’s extended network wait for her to say definitively whether she is running for president in 2016.

But the speakers and attendees represent a cross-section of the party and of Clintonland, including people involved in other outside efforts to prepare for a potential candidacy. And the event itself comes after two years of Ready for Hillary, the low-dollar super PAC backing Clinton, signing up more than 2.5 million supporters and harnessing energy behind her potential candidacy — helping to freeze the Democratic field in the process.

Unlike the Paul-a-Palooza, the HRC event will not apparently feature the proto-candidate herself. I suppose it’s a bit awkward to declare America “ready for Hillary” and then welcome her to the podium to admit she’s not ready to say “OK, I’m running.”

You do have to wonder at the proliferation of these much-publicized “strategy sessions.” Are they intended to intimidate potential opponents? Will Ted Cruz soon hold one in which the candidate and/or his father pace around a big cage and roar at the cameras? If so, it’s a shame they didn’t jump the gun and hold it today for Halloween.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.