My jury duty was delayed until Tuesday; we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Here are some remains of the day:

* SCOTUS by 5-4 vote puts hold on 5th Circuit ruling letting restrictive Texas abortion law go into effect, but actual SCOTUS review of the law is a plunge into the unknown.

* Roy Moore continues jousting with higher courts over marriage equality, claiming Alabama magistrates don’t have to issue marriage licenses for 25 days.

* Puerto Rico governor announces the commonwealth cannot pay $70 billion in debt, threatening municipal bond market.

* At Ten Miles Square, Martin Longman notes that liberals frustrated with big Supreme Court cases like Citizens United aren’t talking about nullification the way conservatives like Bobby Jindal are.

* At College Guide, Daniel Luzer reports that when interns at AFT decided to organize, aha! AFT…cooperated.

* At Republic 3.0, Anne Kim discusses the health care challenge pols don’t like to talk about: long-term care.

And in non-political news:

* “Starve a fever, feed a cold” edict goes back to 16th century.

That’s it for Monday. We’ll close with a classic early Yes song that featured Chris Squire on bass: “Starship Trooper,” from The Yes Album.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.