THE SUPERDELEGATES ARE FALLING INTO LINE….for Obama, even before the polls close in Montana and South Dakota.

Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, U.S. Reps. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan and John W. Olver of Massachusetts, Los Angeles labor organizer John A. Perez, Michigan DNC members Debbie Dingell and Rick Wiener, along with Michigan superdelegate Joyce Lalonde, all announced today for Obama.

Also Representative Maxine Waters of California; Diane Glasser, a DNC member from Florida; three Democratic officials from Delaware; Kamil Hasan, a DNC member from California, Ben Johnson, a DNC member from the District of Columbia; Tina Abbott, the secretary-treasurer of the Michigan A.F.L.-C.I.O. and the vice chair of the Michigan Democratic Party; Carnelia Fondren, ice chairwoman of the Mississippi Democratic Party; and Representative William J. Jefferson of Louisiana. Waters switched from Clinton. The Obama campaign hasn’t made much of Jefferson’s backing; he’s the guy with that freezerful of money.

Jimmy Carter has said that he will endorse Obama after the polls close.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is letting it be known that she will consider the vice-presidential slot if she’s offered it.

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