STILL ANGRY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS….Tom Spencer brings us up to speed on the Counter-Clinton Library, a plan to build of a library of anti-Clinton bile across the street from the official Clinton Presidential Center and “?LIE-brary” in Little Rock.

The letter from the founders is moderately entertaining, as these things go, and it will probably come as no surprise that the person they really hate isn’t Bill so much as Hillary. “Most of the media want to see Hillary become President and they aren?t going to do anything to derail her,” they say.

I’ve noticed that myself. In fact, Hillary’s people offered me a substantial sum not to write this post, but I’m one of the few bloggers with the integrity to stand up to her, so I refused. Unfortunately, that probably means my life is in danger, so if blogging here at CalPundit stops suddenly, you’ll know what happened.

Of course, you’ll never be able to prove anything….

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