SENDING TROOPS OVERSEAS….In what might be a first for me, I recommend “Rules for Intervention,” an article by National Review editor John O’Sullivan. Aside from a couple of gratuitous swipes at liberals ? it is National Review, after all ? it’s a pretty good summary of how we ought to judge whether or not to intervene in foreign conflicts. I don’t agree with every single thing he says ? in particular, I think I’m a little more open to purely humanitarian interventions than he is ? but overall he seems to hit the right tone.

UPDATE: On the other hand, this nitwit at NRO seriously thinks that we ought to put Ronald Reagan on the $2 bill. I’ve got no problem with the aircraft carrier ? in fact, I think it’s appropriate given Reagan’s support for the military ? but dumping Thomas Jefferson and putting Reagan in the same company as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, and Andrew Jackson? Have these people no shame at all?

UPDATE 2: Greg Wythe offers his own views on O’Sullivan’s article and asks for some debate. So head on over and give him some.

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