WOODWARD’S SOURCE….The Wall Street Journal says that all of the following people have either been ruled out as Bob Woodward’s source or have denied it:

  • Dick Cheney (“Isn’t believed to have talked to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald since last year, nor has he given a waiver to Mr. Woodward. That removes him as Mr. Woodward’s source.”)

  • George Bush

  • Dan Bartlett

  • Doug Feith

  • Carl Ford

  • George Tenet

  • John McLaughlin

  • Colin Powell

  • Steven Hadley

  • Condoleezza Rice

  • John Bolton

  • Karl Rove

Marc Grossman and Rich Armitage couldn’t be reached for comment.

Needless to say, any of these people could be lying. But for what it’s worth, they’re all now on the record saying it wasn’t them.

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