The California community college system has ended its controversial plan to offer classes through Kaplan University, the Washington Post Company-owned for-profit college.

In February Kaplan University and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office announced that community college students could fulfill distribution requirement though discounted Kaplan courses.

Last week, however, California Community Colleges’ vice chancellor of academic affairs, Barry Russell sent a letter to the head of Kaplan ending the deal. As Russell explained:

While the agreement is being terminated without cause…community college constituencies expressed concern that transfer agreements with the University of California and California State University have not been completed…. Without these transfer agreements, the [agreement between the community college system and Kaplan] would have a negative effect on students and the community college system.

The ability to transfer credits to other public institutions is fairly crucial to the effectiveness of community colleges, such as it is. One would have thought they’d figure out details like that long ago.

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Daniel Luzer is the news editor at Governing Magazine and former web editor of the Washington Monthly. Find him on Twitter: @Daniel_Luzer