
Kansas State University was very briefly in Newsweek’s list of the 25 Most Desirable Large Schools. And then it was off the list.

According to an article by Mara Rose Williams in the Kansas City Star:

The Kaplan/Newsweek 2010 college rankings listed the Manhattan campus as the 16th most desirable.

But it turns out that Newsweek researchers drew that conclusion based on information that had been misreported by K-State for two years in a row. Oops.

Part of the formula for determining how desirable the school was had to do with the school’s selectivity. KSU reported a 56 percent admission rate. That would make it a fairly selective university. Kansas State actually admits about 98 percent of all applicants.

That admission rate is, you know, fine, but it turns out the school’s a little too inclusive to really get that most desirable label. [Image via]

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Daniel Luzer is the news editor at Governing Magazine and former web editor of the Washington Monthly. Find him on Twitter: @Daniel_Luzer