Back in February last year, Texas Governor Rick Perry challenged the state legislature to create $10,000 bachelor’s degrees in the state colleges through “Web-based instruction, innovative teaching techniques and aggressive efficiency measures.”

Many academics didn’t really think that could happen but one college, the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, has announced success.

According to an article by Meredith Moriak in The Midland Reporter-Telegram:

Beginning in August, UTPB students interested in studying chemistry, computer science, geology, information systems or mathematics can work toward a bachelor’s degree for only $2,500 a year.

UTPB’s program is the first $10,000 degree plan in Texas offered by a university; other programs require courses to be taken at several campuses or online. Additionally, UTPB is the first $10,000 degree in chemistry, computer science, geology, information systems and mathematics.

It’s not really clear from the article how the institution managed to cut costs so drastically. Current students have to pay $6,452 a year, or $25,808 total, to earn their degrees.

Students in the program must not take remedial courses and must maintain an overall 3.0 grade point average.

In addition, the students, who will be known as Texas Science Scholars, must live on campus and pay for campus housing. So, well, not really $10,000.

Students who live in the area or are older and have families “will be considered for an exemption,” according to a school spokesman.

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Daniel Luzer is the news editor at Governing Magazine and former web editor of the Washington Monthly. Find him on Twitter: @Daniel_Luzer