Sorry, sort of, that I got so wound up in that last post, but technically speaking, I was on my own time well before I finished it. Here are some final news items for the day:

* Just hilarious: Dick Morris dismisses public polls, says private data shows disastrous slide by Obama. Good thing he’s so trustworthy, eh?

* Per AP, Justice Department investigating Sheldon Adelson’s Sands Corporation in connection with possible money-laundering. Guess I can report that without getting threatening letter from Sheldon’s attorneys.

* NY Post claims Team Obama “terrified” at possibility of empty seats at acceptance speech event in Charlotte. Even if true, it’s nothing a quick game of HORSE involving the president and UNC Tar Heels couldn’t take care of.

* Oh God: Pat Roberston suggests Wisconsin massacre work of “atheists.”

* Republican senators lobbying IRS to protect highly dubious tax status of Crossroads GPS.

* At College Guide, Daniel Luzer reports college students strongly dislike digital textbooks.

And in non-political news:

* Second fire in just over a month burns Missouri mosque to the ground. Earlier fire already adjudged to be act of arson.

And speaking of Missouri: our great friend Blue Girl will be in the house tomorrow morning with a expert preview of the Show-Me State’s primary.


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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.