I guess we should be thankful for a relatively civil conversation about abortion rights in the wake of the bizarre US Supreme Court decision in McCullen v. Coakley. This comes to us from Boston’s PBS affiliate, WGBH, on June 26:

YouTube video

Of course, this discussion raises two questions:

1) How do these advocates of “alternatives to abortion” feel about adoption by same-sex couples?

2) If they’re really just trying to save innocent lives, how come they’re not protesting outside of the headquarters of Koch Industries?

UPDATE: More on the folks who pester Planned Parenthood. This is a crowd that inspires warm and fuzzy feelings, no?

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D. R. Tucker is a Massachusetts-based journalist who has served as the weekend contributor for the Washington Monthly since May 2014. He has also written for the Huffington Post, the Washington Spectator, the Metrowest Daily News, investigative journalist Brad Friedman's Brad Blog and environmental journalist Peter Sinclair's Climate Crocks.