Lotta new polling over and since the weekend, sports fans. I won’t cover all of the CBS/New York Times/YouGuv tracking polls that came out Sunday, which examined all the Senate races, even the snoozers. But there’s some data worth noting.

* In Iowa, the shock over the previous week’s Iowa Poll showing Republican Joni Ernst with a very healthy lead over Bruce Braley subsided a bit, with NBC News/Marist, CBS/NYT/YouGov and Loras College all showing the race statistically tied.

* Divergent data available on Kansas, where NBC/Marist has Orman up 10 points, and CBS/NYT/YouGov showing the race dead even.

* Good news for CT Governor Dan Malloy in his rarely polled race with Tom Foley. The incumbent is now up six points according to PPP.

* Instant confirmation of NRSC’s decision to pull out of MI-SEN, with two polls (one from MRG, one from Detroit News) showing Gary Peters opening up comfortable lead over Terri Lynn Land. Same two polls, however, show GOP Gov. Rick Snyder with outside-MoE lead over Mark Schauer.

* Four different sets of polls of GA-SEN and GA-GOV (from Insider Advantage, CBS News/NYT/YouGov, Rasmussen and PPP). They vary some, but all show Republican Gov. Nathan Deal and SEN candidate David Perdue with narrow leads over Democrats Jason Carter and Michelle Nunn.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.