Tuesday’s always a tough day for me because I have to write a TPM column in addition to my WaMo posts. End-of-the-month Tuesdays bring a bunch of church meetings in the evening. Today is all of the above plus the holiday makes it feel so Monday. I hope for more energy tomorrow!

Here are some remains of the day:

* Sanders remarks from Burlington now available; more about that tomorrow.

* Will HRC have to recant her support for the 1996 welfare reform law? More about that tomorrow, too.

* At the Nation, Mike Konczol argues “centrist” economic arguments have all been rebutted by events; I agree, so long as you think the typical “centrist” is Alan Simpson.

* Roll Call‘s Rothenberg echoes candidate (guess which ones?) complaints about Fox News ten-candidate cut-off rules for the first presidential nominating contest debate. It will be interesting to see if a real backlash emerges.

* At Ten Miles Square, Martin Longman goes a good bit further than I did in wondering about Mitch McConnell’s feckless handling of the NSA surveillance issue.

* At College Guide, Jill Barshay reports research showing that even 10 years after graduation, certain community college grads are out-earning four-year grads.

And in non-political news:

* Lock of Mozart’s hair up for auction.

That’s it for Tuesday. We’ll close with the opening song from The Last Waltz, “Don’t Do It,” featuring Levon Helm on vocals and Rick Danko harmonizing and nice snapshots of the whole Band.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.