Ran a bit late this morning, running a lot late this afternoon. Took the time on email to mock a journalist who’s been hailed for the incredibly prodigious output of three or four columns a week. Serves me right that it screwed up my schedule.

Here are some remains of the day:

* At the Plum Line, Paul Waldman suggests we focus on Rubio’s tax plan rather than his personal finances. I agree.

* At TNR, Naomi Shavin shows how far out of line women’s priorities are with those of self-styled women’s spox Joni Ernst.

* At Ten Miles Square, Marquette’s Julia Azari attended the Wisconsin Democratic State Convention as a delegate, and found the experience healthy for her work as a political scientist.

* At The Grade, Alexander Russo examines the relatively small Twitter presence of education journalists.

* At College Guide, GWU Law School’s Alan Morrison goes after US News‘ law school ratings with hammer and tong.

* Also at College Guide, and also by Alan Morrison, is an outline for what he thinks law school ratings ought to involve.

And in non-political news:

* Airlines move towards shrinking allowable size of carry-on bags, as though we all have smaller alternative bags we can just whip out and use. Ugh.

That’s it for Tuesday. We’ll close with a Strawberry Alarm Clock tune that provides a break from the SoCal vibe: “Barefoot in Baltimore.” Sounds like it was intended to spur a hippie tourism surge for Charm City.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.