* In what might be my favorite headline so far this campaign, Elspeth Reeve writes about The Hillary Clinton Living Inside the Republican Brain. Here’s a taste:

According to the collective wisdom of the GOP crowd, Clinton is a power-mad monster who is nearly unstoppable, but she’s also weak. She is afraid of debating Republicans, but Republican debates are making her stronger. She is a hard leftist who hasn’t been shaken from her mission to drive America into socialism, but also a flip-flopper who only recently began capitulating to the left.

Kinda reminds me of the guy they called an appeaser who was also a dictatorial tyrant.

* There is a lot of fact-checking going on with statements made by Republicans during Tuesday’s debate. But color me surprised to learn that Rand Paul’s suggestion that income inequality is worse in blue states is actually correct. It all goes back to what Phillip Longman wrote about the regional nature of the issue in his article Bloom or Bust.

* Speaking of fact-checking, Ben Carson made a statement during the debate about the Chinese being in Syria – which is false. When pressed about that, his spokesperson Armstrong Williams says that is what people have told them in their briefings. Doesn’t that sort of beg the question about who is briefing Dr. Carson?

* Michael Grunwald runs down why each of the Republican candidates would rather not talk about the 2008 financial crisis.

* If you think that Erick Erickson has his finger on the pulse of conservative primary voters, you might be interested in the fact that his evangelical friends are switching from Carson to Rubio.

* And finally, if your irony app has gotten buggy lately, (weren’t we just talking about that earlier today?) Alanis Morissette has an update.

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