Hey, I’m all for tuition-free college in the United States, but here’s an example of someone who probably wouldn’t appreciate such a benefit:

A University of Hartford student faces a hate crime charge after she admitted to covertly harassing her black roommate, according to police.

Hartford Police are requesting that Brianna R. Brochu, 18, be charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias, after she bragged on social media about rubbing bodily fluids on her roommate’s backpack and tainting her toothbrush and food, the Hartford Courant reported.

University of Hartford president Greg Woodward said Brochu “will not be returning to the institution,” in a statement on Wednesday.

The incident gained national attention after Brochu’s former roommate Chennel “Jazzy” Rowe posted a Facebook Live detailing the ordeal, which she said sounds like a scenario “straight out of a movie scene.”

In the video, Rowe said she learned of the abuse shortly after moving out, when someone told her that Brochu posted a celebratory message on Instagram.

“Finally did it. Yo girl got rid of her roommate!! After 1 1/2 month of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotion and rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush in places where the sun doesn’t shine, and so much more I can finally say goodbye Jamaican Barbie,” Brochu, who goes by breezy_bumble_b on Instagram, wrote, according to a now deleted post.

Why do I get the sense that Ms. Brochu’s family didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton last November?

What sort of sick mind would allegedly engage in this sort of behavior in the name of ousting a roommate? Where would this suspect get the idea that threatening an innocent woman’s health is OK?

Where do you think?

YouTube video

Remember the young men marching in Charlottesville in August? It appears that there are quite a few young women who think just like those men, quite a few young women who believe that the races should be separated, quite a few young women who have taken Breitbart to heart.

This December marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Stanley Kramer’s brilliant film about a couple (Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn) coming to terms with the limits of their liberalism when their daughter (Katharine Houghton) announces that she has fallen in love with, and will marry, an African-American doctor (Sidney Poitier). One can envision a 21-year-old Donald Trump buying a ticket to the film in 1967 just to throw oranges at the screen. Of course, if a similarly themed film were to be released today, ”alt-right” college students would picket movie theaters from coast to coast, tiki torches in hand.

Like Charlottesville, this alleged hate crime in Hartford shows that some young Americans think white privilege is a good and positive thing, and recognize no moral degradation in segregation. Even if Brochu is convicted-—especially if Brochu is convicted—the odds are better than average that 20 years from now, she’ll be an evening host on Fox News. After The O’Reilly Factor, The Kelly File and The Ingraham Angle, The Brochu Briefing would fit right in, no?

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D. R. Tucker is a Massachusetts-based journalist who has served as the weekend contributor for the Washington Monthly since May 2014. He has also written for the Huffington Post, the Washington Spectator, the Metrowest Daily News, investigative journalist Brad Friedman's Brad Blog and environmental journalist Peter Sinclair's Climate Crocks.