BUSH AND SCHIAVO….From Sunday Morning Talk:

As Dubya starts to see his numbers slide, This Week reported that the Bush administration are starting to distance themselves from Republicans on Capitol Hill, leaking that Bush didn’t even want to return to Washington to sign the Schiavo bill last Sunday.

Did anyone see the show? How well sourced was this leak?

If it’s true, it’s about as galactically craven and poll driven a rowback as I’ve ever heard. Did one of Bush’s minions really say something this cowardly and gutless?

UPDATE: More here.

UPDATE 2: The Washington Post has yet more:

He flew halfway across the country in a vain effort to save her life, but in the week since, President Bush has retreated back to his ranch and remained largely out of sight as the nation wrestled with the great moral issues surrounding the fate of Terri Schiavo.

….The juxtaposition of racing through the night in Air Force One to sign legislation intended to force doctors to reinsert Schiavo’s feeding tube and choosing not to use his bully pulpit to advocate for her life afterward demonstrates how uncomfortable the matter has become for the White House.

I hope this matter becomes more than just “uncomfortable” for them.

UPDATE 3: Stephanopoulos’s source for the leaks is here.

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