WE’RE ALL VERY BAD PEOPLE…. The National Review‘s Jay Nordlinger offers some insights on one measurement to evaluate a person’s character. (thanks to reader D.D. for the heads-up)

In my experience — and I’m just generalizing here — the better the person, the more positive he is about George W. Bush. Certainly the less snarky and narrow. Most of the people I admire most, admire the 43rd president. (Please note that I said “most of the people,” not “all of the people.”) This is particularly true of those who know something about tyranny, and the need to resist it: e.g., the Dalai Lama.

I was under the false impression that most conservatives had moved away from this kind of Bush cheerleading, and outside of the former president’s top aides, the right saw little value in Bush worship. Indeed, I’d assumed the opposite was true — as the Bush/Cheney presidency became indefensible, the right discovered that Bush wasn’t really one of them after all (he spent too much, failed to rein in the size of government, bailed out the financial industry, added bureaucracy, etc.). The idea was to distance themselves from a failed and unpopular president, in order to protect the integrity of the ideology and the party.

Apparently, however, the admiration remains strong in at least some corners.

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Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.