A SEPTEMBER REBOUND?…. When CNN released the results of its new national poll yesterday, the network seemed to bury the lede a bit. The headline read, “CNN Poll: Slight majority approve of Obama on economy.”

As President Barack Obama gives a speech on the economy Monday in New York City, a new national poll indicates that a slight majority of Americans approve of the way the president is handling the issue.

That’s not incorrect, but it’s hardly the most interesting angle to the poll results.

President Obama’s approval rating, for example, went up five points, to 58%, the highest it’s been in a CNN poll since June.

Asked about approval of the president’s work on specific issues, 54% approve of his handling of the economy (up five points since August); 58% approve of his handling of foreign affairs (up four points since August); 51% approve of his handling of health care policy (up seven points since August); 52% approve of his handling of taxes (up seven points since August); and 46% approve of his handling of the deficit (up 10 points since August).

In the CNN poll taken two weeks ago, a narrow majority opposed the president’s health care reform plan. In the new poll, a narrow majority favor the plan, giving it the most support since June.

Moreover, a 61% majority believe Republicans are “being obstructionist for mostly political reasons” in the reform debate, and 85% found Joe Wilson’s outburst “inappropriate.”

It’s only one poll, of course, and these results do not entirely line up with the latest data from the Washington Post/ABC News poll. But I suspect the numbers are welcome news at the White House.

And as headlines go, “CNN Poll: Slight majority approve of Obama on economy” doesn’t quite capture the results the same way “CNN Poll: Obama sees big bump in job approval” would have.

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Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.