PLEDGE WEEK CONTINUES…. The Monthly‘s annual fundraising drive is still underway. Our most sincere thanks to those of you who have already contributed. For those who haven’t, here’s a reminder that your tax-deductible donation can make a big difference.

If you’re a regular, you know that the Washington Monthly offers the kind of cutting-edge reporting and analysis the country needs now more than ever, breaking big stories well ahead of major mainstream outlets.

But to keep us going strong, we need a little help. Your donation will not only help the magazine, but also help support this blog. In fact, we’ve already begun work on a redesign — a development more than a few of you have requested — but need some additional funds.

The Monthly is a nonprofit organization. We have print and online ads, but this only covers a small part of our expenses, which means that we depend on contributions from readers to stay up and humming. The truth is, without an annual pledge week, we can’t stay in business.

So, I hope we can count on your support. In honor of the Monthly‘s 40th anniversary, the magazine is asking for $40 donations, but any amount is welcome. If every “Political Animal” reader chipped in just $1, we’d surpass our fundraising goal.

Just click here to help out. You can donate online, through PayPal, or through the mail.


Our ideas can save democracy... But we need your help! Donate Now!

Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.