
Vigilante neurobiologist Amy Bishop is probably insane, her lawyer, Roy W. Miller, suggested. ”Something’s wrong with this lady, OK?” Miller said in a news conference Friday. Bishop apparently does not remember the shooting incident last week and has expressed concern about whether or not she has been let go from the University of Alabama at Huntsville.

In a Thursday interview with a local news program in Alabama, Miller said: “I just think the case speaks for itself…. I think she’s wacko.”

As to how Bishop became “a wacko,” Miller gave an interesting explanation. According to an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Miller seems to think it has something to do with the university where Bishop earned her 1993 PhD in genetics:

Obviously she was very distraught and concerned over that tenure…. It insulted her and slapped her in the face, and it’s probably tied in with the Harvard mentality. She brooded and brooded and brooded over it, and then, “bingo.”

The Harvard mentality. What is that, exactly?

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Daniel Luzer is the news editor at Governing Magazine and former web editor of the Washington Monthly. Find him on Twitter: @Daniel_Luzer