Good morning, Animals! Bobbing around the Web, I’m finding things to be a bit sleepy in the news department. You know, of course, that the world takes a day or two off from making news during a U.S. holiday weekend.

But apropos of our discussion yesterday, tripped off by the arrival of Rolling Thunder in Our Nation’s Capital, about the decibel levels of Harley Davidsons, the Washington Post has a front-page story about how all those customized bikes just may feature “enhancements” that violate environmental and noise standards. BIG NEWS!!!

In fairness to reporter Debbie Cenziper, who delivered a solid investigation into the lucrative and virtually unregulated after-manufacture motorcycle parts market, the piece, I think, is mis-framed by its headline. The most interesting aspect of Cenziper’s article is how the dangers inherent in many bike modification kits comport with a neo-liberarian biker culture where, as the reporter describes it, “freedom reigns.”

Now, that’s an interesting story. A culture steeped in libertarian ethos puts itself and the public at risk via a virtually unregulated market.

Cranking up the percolator. Looking forward to spending the morning with you.

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