I’m going to appear on KCRW’s fine syndicated radio show “To The Point” today, so there may be a short break in blogging after this post. I’ll try not to scream on the air.

Here are some mid-day munchies to keep you sustained:

* White House abandons prior issues with reporter shield law, asks Chuck Schumer to introduce a new bill. Better late than never.

* Battered anti-gay-marriage group the National Organization for Marriage sues IRS for alleged leaking of confidential info to the Human Rights Campaign.

* WMUR poll of early New Hampshire preferences for 2016 presidential nominations shows HRC crushing Joe Biden 65-10 (with single-digit support for other possible candidates), and five different GOPers bunched in the teens.

* Dave Weigel hilariously announces “contest” to determine the identity of the “longtime Washingtonian” quoted in this morning’s “Behind the Curtain” column to show Dems fed up with Obama.

* In the kind of real news that’s not getting noticed right now, Senate Agriculture Committee clears new five-year farm bill.

And in non-political news:

* Sanjay Gupta offers handy-dandy guide to seasonal allergies. I seem to have lots of ’em.

Back after my radio gig.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.