It really is a fine day for making fun of Sen. Rand Paul, it seems. As National Journal‘s Shane Goldmacher reports, Paul was sitting next to Rep. Steve King at a fundraiser in King’s district when the fiery nativist was approach by two of his constituents, who identified themselves as “DREAMers.” About two seconds later, Paul put down his half-eaten hamburger (though he did bring along his beer) and moved quickly away.

You have to pay close attention to spot the speedy Paul’s departure. Then, if you wish, you can spend seven minutes watching King condescendingly argue with the DREAMers about constitutional law (as some of his fans periodically shout “Go Home” at them) and the “lawless country you come from.” Then you can reflect on King’s wild popularity (he could have had this year’s Senate nomination for the asking) among the activists that every GOP presidential candidate will have to suck up to constantly between now and January 2016.

So to use the hackneyed but still evocative phrase: You can run, Rand, but you can’t hide!

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.