I was supposed to be writing up my impressions of the Iowa GOP Straw Poll today, and maybe getting ready for a day or two at the Iowa State Fair. But nooooooo!

Here are some remains of the day:

* Post-debate PPP poll in Iowa has Trump leading the pack but with iffy favorable ratios; Rand Paul really plunging, perhaps because of his association with the Kent Sorenson scandal that’s led to criminal charges for three of his bravos. Fiorina surges to double-digits.

* Rebecca Traister notes drily that women are already pretty aware of the “icky” mechanics of pregnancy and abortion, without help from the antichoice movement.

* At Ten Miles Square, Martin Longman goes deep to explain but urges people to place limits on the intraprogressive rift created by the conflict between Bernie Sanders supporters and the #blacklivesmatter movement.

* Speaking of Sanders, he gets first big union endorsement, from the National Nurses United.

* Shots fired at U.S. consulate in Ankara after Turkish authorities cracked down on Kurdish and ISIS militias.

And in non-political news:

* Arifacts of “Lost Colony” of Roanoke Island may have been found.

That’s it for Monday. Let’s close with a nice Tull medley from Dutch TV in 1999: a snippet of the title track from the anti-concept concept album Thick As a Brick, and then another track from the God-haunted side of Aqualung, “Locomotive Breath.” Towards the end there Ian looks like he’s channeling his inner Captain Beefheart.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.