Girls outscore boys on inaugural national test of technology, engineering skills – The Washington Post 

PA Governor not ready to revise teacher layoff law :: SI&A Cabinet Report

Pearson gets emergency test scoring contract from Tennessee |

A First: Pell Grants For High School Students Who Take College Classes : NPR Ed : NPR

Some, But Not All of New i3 Grants Will Prioritize School Integration – Politics K-12 – Education Week

Desegregation order: Mississippi district must merge schools: AP Article

What if one culture shares multiple languages? That’s a challenge Oregon is taking up with its Somali students.

Old time courtesies getting new currency in Maryland schools offsetting disrespect with etiquette lessons.

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Alexander Russo is a freelance education writer who has created several long-running blogs such as the national news site This Week In Education, District 299 (about Chicago schools), and LA School Report. He can be reached on Twitter at @alexanderrusso, on Facebook, or directly at