DEMOCRACY IN LEBANON?….Following the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri ? presumably by Syrian-backed terrorists ? the government of Lebanon has fallen:

With shouts of “Syria out!,” more than 25,000 flag-waving protesters massed outside Parliament today in a dramatic display of defiance that swept out Lebanon’s pro-Syrian government two weeks after the assassination of a former prime minister.

Cheering broke out among the demonstrators in Martyrs’ Square when they heard Prime Minister Omar Karami’s announcement on loudspeakers that the government was stepping down. Throughout the day, protesters handed out red roses to soldiers and police.

….”Today the government fell. Tomorrow, it’s the one huddled in Anjar,” opposition leader Elias Atallah told the crowd to cheers, referring to the Syrian intelligence chief based in the eastern Lebanese town of Anjar. He said the opposition will continue its actions until all demands are met.

More later.

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