ETHIOPIA…WHO KNEW?….Thought I should mention that right now, a few thousand Ethiopians are conducting a protest march around the White House (and, consequently, under our windows as well), pretty much shutting down traffic for six or seven blocks. The consensus here in the office is that it’s nice to see a focused march for once. No twenty-seven different signs for various causes here. Just lots of green, yellow, and red flags and signs that read, “USA, Condemn the Massacre in Ethiopia.” Also, some very catchy music blasting so loud that you should probably not trying calling our offices for a little while.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some internet research to do, as I’m apparently shamefully uninformed about the situation in Ethiopia. Job well done, Ethiopian protesters. President Bush may be hanging out in Asia, and Condi Rice is in the Middle East. But you’ve made it impossible for The Washington Monthly to ignore you!

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Amy Sullivan is a Chicago-based journalist who has written about religion, politics, and culture as a senior editor for Time, National Journal, and Yahoo. She was an editor at the Washington Monthly from 2004 to 2006.