WORST. ARGUMENT. EVER…. With Greg Sargent accepting a new gig at the Washington Post, RedState’s Erick Erickson took the opportunity to complain, again, about media bias.

I’m sure Greg Sargent is good at what he does, but I’m also sure the Washington Post would not even consider hiring someone directly from the right-of-center blogosphere.

Of course the Washington Post is connected to both Newsweek and Slate, so its biases are pretty well established and no doubt considers TPM to be right in line with the mainstream.

Sometimes, it’s as if far-right bloggers are just trying to appear foolish.

As John Cole was quick to point out, it was, of course, the Washington Post that hired Ben Domenech nearly three years ago, to run a blog called “Red America.” Domenech was, at the time, a young and inexperienced writer, known for some over-the-top conservative vitriol, including his belief that Coretta Scott King was a “communist,” and his argument that some U.S. Supreme Court justices “are worse then [sic] the KKK.”

Domenech was eventually forced to resign from the Post in the wake of a plagiarism controversy.

And where did Domenech blog before getting hired by the Post? A site called RedState — the same site Erick Erickson writes for now.

(In his comments section, Erickson argues that the Post having hired Domenech doesn’t count, because he “was tossed quickly after lefty outrage,” as if the plagiarism matter was irrelevant.)

What’s more, my friend Adam Serwer notes that while Erickson also complains about Newsweek‘s so-called bias, it was this same magazine that profiled none other than Erick Erickson just a week after the election. “Go ahead and try to find any profiles of Josh Marshall, Greg Sargent, or articles specifically devoted to TPM’s content or fawning at their political influence within Newsweek‘s archive,” Adam noted. “You won’t find any.”

The “liberal” media strikes again.

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Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.