On Monday I have to report for jury duty, though the last two times I was summoned in this county I never made it to voir dire, and peacefully blogged from the waiting area (I’ve actually never been on a jury; having a law degree will tend to make you a target if you do go through voir dire!). So I should probably be on the usual schedule, more or less, and we’ll have backup if they do drag me into the box.

Here are some remains of the day:

* Trump/Univision war escalates as The Donald bans the network’s employees from his properties.

* At TNR Naomi Shavin provides sobering reminder that right to marry does not carry with it right not to be fired for your sexual orientation.

* At Ten Miles Square, Mark Kleiman compares conservatives acting shocked about Obamacare decision to Karl Rove on Election Night in 2012. Reality hard to grasp sometimes for some people.

* At College Guide, Daniel Luzer reports on Sweet Briar College’s (at least temporary) rescue from the Grim Reaper.

* At The Grade, Alexander Russo discusses the common disconnect between anecdotal and data-driven reporting on education issues.

And in non-political news:

* One of the convicted killers who escaped from a New York prison three weeks ago has been shot to death, according to an AP report. The other escapee is still on the lam.

That’s it for Friday. David Atkins and D.R. Tucker will be in for Weekend Blogging tomorrow. Let’s close with Mick Jones performing the Clash classic “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” with the Libertines at an anti-racism concert in 2004.

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Ed Kilgore is a political columnist for New York and managing editor at the Democratic Strategist website. He was a contributing writer at the Washington Monthly from January 2012 until November 2015, and was the principal contributor to the Political Animal blog.