TUESDAY’S MINI-REPORT…. Today’s edition of quick hits:

* The shift from unipolar power? “President Barack Obama’s first visit to China underscored a shifting balance of power: two giants moving closer to being equals.”

* As of a few minutes ago, the Republican filibuster of Judge David Hamilton was defeated, 70 to 29. The vote makes Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) look pretty bad.

* No word, as of this minute, from the CBO on the Senate health care bill. The plan, for now, is for the leadership to unveil the bill tomorrow, with the first vote by this weekend.

* White House isn’t happy about the approval of settlement expansion in Jerusalem. From a press statement: “We are dismayed at the Jerusalem Planning Committee’s decision to move forward on the approval process for the expansion of Gilo in Jerusalem. At a time when we are working to re-launch negotiations, these actions make it more difficult for our efforts to succeed. Neither party should engage in efforts or take actions that could unilaterally pre-empt, or appear to pre-empt, negotiations. The U.S. also objects to other Israeli practices in Jerusalem related to housing, including the continuing pattern of evictions and demolitions of Palestinian homes. Our position is clear: the status of Jerusalem is a permanent status issue that must be resolved through negotiations between the parties.”

* Tackling financial fraud: “The Obama administration has formed a new task force to target financial fraud — replacing an earlier corporate fraud task force. Attorney General Eric Holder says the new group will have a broader scope — and incorporate state investigators as well as federal agencies — to investigate and prosecute financial crimes that worsened the market collapse.”

* Pakistan thinks it’s making real progress against the Taliban. The Obama administration isn’t quite as confident.

* It looks like Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner may want to explain these efforts from last year at the New York Fed.

* Let’s just say Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.) isn’t impressed with the database work associated with tracking stimulus spending.

* The public seems comfortable with a surcharge on the rich to pay for health care reform.

* So, if I’m reading the new CNN poll correctly, Americans are comfortable with trials against terrorists suspect, and they’re comfortable with these trials on American soil. But if they’re in civilian courts, as compared to military tribunals, the public balks. How much does the electorate really appreciate the legal nuances here?

* C Street House loses its tax-exempt status. Good move.

* The DCCC slams Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) following his insane references to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s kids.

* Depressing, but not unexpected: “Uninsured patients with traumatic injuries, such as car crashes, falls and gunshot wounds, were almost twice as likely to die in the hospital as similarly injured patients with health insurance, according to a troubling new study.”

* The inspirational story of Tererai Trent.

* John McCain loves the AARP. John McCain hates the AARP. Even now, Jukebox John keeps changing his tune.

* And while I continue to steer clear of actual, stand-alone posts on Sarah Palin, it’s probably worth noting that her book appears to be a work of fiction. Not true at all. Just totally wrong about reality.

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.

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Follow Steve on Twitter @stevebenen. Steve Benen is a producer at MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. He was the principal contributor to the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog from August 2008 until January 2012.