
The Stigma of Felon Disenfranchisement

In an excerpt from his new book on the Supreme Court, Joshua A. Douglas shows how conservative justices have undermined voting rights for 50 years by using an obscure Constitutional phrase to bless the disenfranchisement of millions.

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Jonathan Alter’s Trump Trial Diary


The Monopolized Economy

April/May/June 2024 Print Edition

In this issue



How Trump Survived January 6

After the insurrection, everyone was disavowing him. But thanks to his old buddy Steve Bannon and a coterie of strategists, Donald Trump regained dominance over the Republican Party.

Higher Ed Q&A

The Washington Monthly’s “Higher Ed Q&A” is a Special Advertising Section, where leaders in higher education answer questions on different topics that are challenging universities and colleges across the country, with solutions that are working for their schools and students. Click here to learn more.